Delivery to customer

EXPORTATION : Search | Transaction | Ferry Flight | Delivery

Airplane's importation :
The customer is solely responsible of the european VAT duties to be paid and the custom's form to be filled out.

Delivery to customer :
Once the plane will be at it's final destination it will be put back in it's original condition, this includes the removal of the ferry tank if required and all other equipment required for the ferry.

Note :

Unlike other ferry companies all work performed on aircraft is done by FAA approved mechanics.

For ferry tank removal, we prefer to perform the job at our Chambéry Maintenance facility.

Acceptance Flight and Flight Training

Acceptance flight :
Once the airplane is back to it's original condition, a flight with the customer on board will take place so that he can evaluate the aircraft's performances and to ensure that all installed equipment is functioning properly.

Flight training :
If the customer requires flight training or a few hours prior to flying solo, it can be arrange with the ferry pilot when the later is also a flight instructor.

Flight training is billed separatly.

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